How to Install Garden Edging?
How to Install Garden Edging can be a difficult task for some people. Garden edging completes the appearance of your landscape, giving plants their space to grow. Follow these straightforward, step-by-step instructions to install it in your yard.
Essentials of Edging | How to Install Garden Edging?
Additionally to completing your Garden’s aesthetic, edging has significant functional benefits. It prevents separate elements from encroaching on one another’s area. The trick is to stay moderate because excessive edge can disrupt the flow of your Garden. If you use edging in an area of your yard that is frequently mowed, it is also vulnerable to damage.
Identify the areas that require edging.
Edging is necessary to distinguish between two types of ground cover, such as pebbles and mulch. Additionally, it works well between various varieties of sod or ornamental grasses to prevent one from displacing the other. Additionally, edges are beneficial in areas with loose rocks, such as sculpture gardens, rock gardens, or walkways.
Measure the Garden Beds and Borders
To measure the bed or edging you want to edge, place the rope or twine along the bed in the desired shape. Once you’re happy with your design, use eco-friendly marker paint to trace the curve of the string.
Then, when the rope is dry, trim it to size. Measure the distance of the rope with a tape measure to get an idea of how much plastic edging you need for your project. Add 10% to the total length to account for waste.
Trim the Edging to Fit
Cut edge strips to length with tin snips as needed. You can trim the strips with pruners, scissors, or a utility knife. Place the pieces to join at or near the center of the runway to make the intersection of the two strips less noticeable. Do not join strips near corners, sharp bends, or angles in your design.
Pick Solid for the Edging Type | How to Install Garden Edging?
There are several edging variations, but most can be divided into two groups. The first comes in a roll and is a sturdy length of edging. It is typically black or brown and may be constructed of rubber, plastic, metal, or both. However, the metal or rubber edging is more susceptible to breaking or chipping, mainly from lawn equipment damage, according to landscape expert Maureen Smith.
Select Individual Stones as your Edging Style
The second type consists of individual pavers resembling natural stones, bricks, scallops, or other designs. Maureen Smith, a landscape architect, suggests the second kind. It’s more enduring and attractive, she claims.
Create a Trench
The most challenging aspect of adding edging is creating a proper depth trench. As a guide, use a portion of your edge. The top should be higher than your lawn, rocks, or another ground cover while still not drawing too much attention to itself. Additionally, it’s crucial to set the edging deep enough to prevent tripping hazards.
Put in the Edging | How to Install Garden Edging?
Place each paver level with the one preceding it if you use them. Aim to minimize the distances between the pavers. Consider using interlocking pavers for a tighter fit. Use a level to unroll the roll-type edging as you do so to prevent any unintended slope.
Protect the Edging (If Necessary)
Generally speaking, stakes are required to anchor rubber and metal edging material. The paver edging process does not require this step. Once the material is in place, cover it with rocks or another type of ground cover, being careful to keep the top of the edging at a higher level.
Final Touches
Lightly water with a garden hose to settle the soil. Edges should be generally stable. Add dirt to areas that need more support and the low-lying regions to raise the edge.
Make your Garden look neat and tidy with plastic edging along the edges and beds. The edges also keep the mulch in place and prevent weeds from spreading. Installing plastic edging is a simple DIY project that can be completed in just a few hours.
Alex Landscaping LLC is here for you when and where you want it to support you in all your landscaping needs.
Install Garden Edging with us
It is simple to finish this project in a single weekend once you have a handle on installing Garden Edging. DIYers can add order and design elements to their yards with simple borders and edging using the right tools, preparation, and framing material. If you need help or guidance, don’t hesitate to contact us to provide more information about our services.
With more than 10 years of experience, we are your best option in town! Besides providing excellent service, we also advise you on how to take care of your garden.